Wednesday 1 June 2016

Obinna Dike, Citi Professional - Benefits of N-Tier/3-Tier Software Architectural Styles

Obinna Dike Citi employee since 2011, is a software engineer with over a decade of experience across three countries. Professionals like Obinna Dike are vital to the functionality of companies like Citi because of their specialized knowledge in the design, development, testing and architectural structuring of applications.

Among the many architectural software styles implemented by software engineers are the N-Tier and 3-Tier styles. These deployment styles divide functionality into segments, similar to what is known as a layered style, but they differ in that each segment is a tier than can be stored in a different physical location. Some of the primary benefits of designing an application with the N-Tier/3-Tier style include…

Maintainability – Each tier of an application is independent from other tiers, which means that updates and other maintenance changes can be implemented without affecting the entirety of the system.

Scalability – Scaling out a tier-based application is relatively simple, as tiers are based on the deployment of layers.

Flexibility – The flexibility of a tier-based application is one of the primary benefits. Because the tiers are independent, they can be managed and scaled separately without negatively impacting the application.

Availability – Tier-based applications have increased availability when compared to similar applications with different architectural structures. This is because applications can use the architecture of enabling systems through scalable components.

When engineers like Citi’s Obinna Dike assesses an application in the early phases, they will often make architectural style recommendations based on benefits like those above and on how they might relate to the application or business model in question.