Monday 16 May 2016

Obinna Dike, Citi Professional - Software Architecture Client/Server Styles

Obinna Dike, a Citi professional, regularly manages software architecture for all manners of applications. Among the many application architectural styles is the client/server style, which is useful when systems involved include separate client and server systems, as well as connecting networks.

The client/server style selected by a software engineer like Obinna Dike is largely dictated by the required functionality of the application in question. Companies like Citi often have a need for several client/server styles so that they can best meet the needs of their business, stakeholders, employees and clients.
A company like Citi might require an engineer to implement one or all of the following client/server styles:

Client-Queue-Client Systems (aka Passive Queue) – This architectural approach opens communications between clients through severs so that files can be synchronized and distributed efficiently. The server’s function is to store data and to act as a queue, also known as a server-based queue.

Peer-to-Peer Applications (P2P) – The P2P design is based on the Client-Queue-Client model. In the P2P model, though, the client and server can swap roles so that information can be synchronized and distributed across multiple clients, which can then extend to request, shared data, resource discovery and more.

Application Servers – An application sever uses specialized architecture that allows the server to host, execute applications and execute services that clients can access through the specific software.

Not all companies like Citi hire professionals like Obinna Dike Citi to create client/server applications – sometimes, the client/server style is irrelevant for the company’s needs and it might require component-based software or a domain-driven design.